Roger Velasco was born in Melrose on March 27, 1977 and was raised in Bell Gardens, California. He was extremely active and involved in various sports. He played soccer since he was 5 and also ran Cross Country for his Palos Verdes High School team. At the age of 11 Roger Velasco and his family moved to South Gate, California. Roger finished his high school career at South Gate Senior High after being moved from different high schools. Right after high school Roger was recruited by a manager and agent and began his career as a model. At the age of 19 he appeared in a lead role as Carlos, in Power Rangers Turbo and then Power Ranges in Space. Roger Velasco has two siblings Marisol who is 4 years younger than he, and Carlos who is 10 years younger. He has a warm and loving family and is still pursuing his dream of acting.