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Cover for The Scarlet Abbey
The Scarlet Abbey

The Scarlet Abbey

The Scarlet Abbey provides celebrities, authors and other talent for a variety of events.

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Johnny Yong Bosch is headed to Mississippi Anime Fest this weekend! Be sure to come by and say hello!! 

@johnnyyongbosch @mississippianimefestival
We have a killer crew headed to NJ Horror Con in New Jersey next weekend!! Be sure to get your tickets now.

@branderoderick @michaelceewilliams @aheatherdonahue @thejoshualeonard @njhorrorcon
Andre Gower and Ryan Lambert are headed to Texas!! Be sure to get your tickets now. 

@andregowerofficial @ryanlambert111 @kingsofhorrortexas
Ogie Banks is headed to Louisiana!! Be sure to get your tickets now. 

@ogiebanks @louisianacomicconvention
El Paso Horror Fest!! Get ready for a killer time!!

@kanehodder13 @mikealoisi_authormike @elpasohorrorfest
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